Monday, September 3, 2012

Holy Cow Chocolate Syrup

Its my cheat weekend and I will drink chocolate milk if I want to. But I'm at home at 8 p.m. and I want my favorite chocolate milk, which I can only find at my grocery store, not anywhere closer. I once saw Alton Brown make a homemade chocolate syrup so I looked it up. Like my husband said, Alton Brown is a genius.

Here is his recipe:

I don't usually have dutch processed cocoa regularly in my home, but I always have cacao powder. (see my banana milk smoothie recipe that I have almost daily). If you don't know much about cacao, here's some good info for you featuring Drew Canole.

Here is my recipe:
1 cup of sugar
1/3 cup cacao powder
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 teaspoons of light corn syrup
pinch of salt

Bring the water and sugar to a boil, then mix in the remainder of the ingredients until dissolved. Reduce sauce until slightly thick. Strain and cool, then enjoy!

My chocolate milk was delicious! It's almost as good as or BETTER than the store bought kind!

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